After all was said and done Coach Craig had this to say:
"If I could, I think I would have to give my team's MVP award to Strongarm vet. player Gattil!!!! He fumbled more than some potted plants I know....
But that being said I am very pleased with my Team today - they have learned a lot and earned a lot. Abraxus The Multiformed finally lived up to his role of being the team hammer. If today is any indication, having seriously injured Denovay the slayer and taking him out of the next game, there is much to believe in the words of those who say his best hits border on felonious assault.
Abraxus was also key, along with the brilliant plays of actual game MVP The Mighty Fecundus in holding down the Deathroller and ensuring that it had little impact in overall play. Thanks to Coach B himself for the insinuations regarding what their forges were working on in his previous interview - it really allowed us to be prepared for this mechanical monstrocity.
The Deathroller in action vs the C.F.L.
What amuses me the most is just how easily these fools have succumbed to the great plans of Lord Tzeentch. Us losing the previous game has ensured that this defeat moves the Strongarm not to second but causes them to fall meteorically all the way back to fourth!!! "Any way but down" indeed Coach B"
Just goes to show that what the famous philosopher Play-Doh (or whatever his name was) said is right "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." The Strongarm talk a good game but if you dont let them intimidate you they fall apart like Jenga played by hyperactive monkeys (or by the coaching staff of the Skullcrushers... more or less the same thing really)!
Actually this guy looks scarier than most of the Skullcrushers.....

In additional play the Kroxigoons continue their slow but steady rise to greatness, and the Plague once again show that they can be a serious threat and a dangerous crew. The Hoard, Skullcrushers, Hooligans, Kroxigoons, Crusaders and the Reavers all draw in what appears to be a general stabalising of the challenger (though challenged is perhaps more appropriate....) ranked teams.
That pretty much wraps it up for this edition of N.C.C. News - see you next week time for more action from the Crusader Cup!