Thursday, September 24, 2009

League Rules

The Basics:

Rules set: LRB 5+ Experimental Rules Review 2008; free download above.
Miniatures: ANY figure that may reasonably identify the position... including metal, plastic, Games Workshop and non-Games Workshop minis....

Schedule: technically, there is none. Games Club meets every tuesday and games will be played in two halves across two weeks. You may choose to call a game after one half if you wish. You may also choose not to participate in any given 2 week cycle though you can not join in half way through unless you accept that the game MUST then only be a half.

Specific House Rules
1. 1 mil starting teams

2. All teams start with Fan Factor 5 - FF does not count against spiraling expenses and cannot be purchased

3. No deaths or injuries incurred in a teams first match of the year count as permanent. Star Player Points (SPP) are still earned as if they were. Teams that raise players may raise a casualty from the fans in the sidelines instead of the opposing team ;)

4. MVP awards will not be randomised and may be allocated by the coach at the end of each match as they see fit.

5. The miniatures used must clearly display each players position. The position of official Blood Bowl miniatures are naturally recognizable but if you are using other miniatures I recommend the time honoured tradition of colour coding the bases: yellow - catcher, red - blitzer, white - thrower, green - blocker, grey - lineman. If you are uncertain as to which colour to use, just make sure that each 1 colour only applies to 1 position.

Furthermore, it must be easy to tell individual players apart, in order that both you and your opponent can tell which player has chosen which skill. Visible numbering is the easiest way of doing this.

6. This is an open roster league - your team roster may be asked for at any time by any opponent. They have the right to ask which skills you have on a given model ant to recieve an honest answer.

7. Rewinds: You are allowed to take back the move and declaration of the player you are currently moving, as long as you have not rolled any dice for his action. Once you've started on a new player you may not rewind a previously moved one. If you take back a player's action then you do not have to move that same player immediately - you may move something else and then come back to him later.

8. If either coach has made an illegal set-up of his players at a kick-off, and this is spotted before the kick-off has been resolved, then the opposing coach is allowed to rectify the mistake. Illegal set-ups include: Too many players on the pitch or in the wide zone, as well as too few players on the pitch or on the line of scrimmage. In either of these cases, the changes made by the opposing coach must themselves be legal, and must only involve the illegally positioned players.

9. If it is discovered that a coach has (or has had) too many players on the pitch in the current drive, then his opponent is allowed to immediately move the excess fielded players into the reserves box, (dropping the ball if carried).

10. Additional bonus star player points will be awarded as follows - Each player who takes the field in any season game will recieve 1SPP. Any model which is painted for this season's league will earn 1SPP. Any team which is deemed fully painted will receive 5 SPP upon completion of a team photo for the web site.

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